The fertilizr for the lawn and landscape plants is Nature Safe 13/0/0. To adjust pH of the soil Old Castle high calcium lime is used. USG gypsum is used to help open up and aerate clay soil improving water holding capacity and increasing soil tilth. The seed is Penningtons Triplex Ryegrass that contains Applaude II which has been used in many super bowls and even though Yankee Stadium is bluegrass sod, the grounds crew at Yankee Stadium over seed with the same Pennington Triplex Ryegrass. For shady areas we use Penningtons Triplex Shade Mix. To control grubs in the lawn we use the nematodes heterorhabditis bacteriophora. To control ticks on the lawn and landscape we use Garlic Barrier. Garlic Barrier is also placed around foundations to keeps insects out of homes, along with bait stations that are filled with Gournet Liquid Ant Bait which has boron as the ingredient that controls the insects. Pyganic which is made from chysanthmum flowers is used for tougher insects like cave crickets, spiders, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets and carpenter bees. Termites are controlled with Pyganic, the beneficial nematodes heterorhabdtitis bacteriophora and wood boron bait station. For mice and rats peppermint oil is used as a repellent that is sprayed around the foundation along with installed bait stations filled with Terad3 Blox which have vitamin D3 as the toxin for the rodents.
You save money because your lawn will not need de-thatching or aeration because the combination of the fertilizer, lime and gypsum decomposes thatch and aerates the soil naturally by feeding and increasing the soil life which eats thatch and aerates soil. Mechanical aeration is not needed, plus mechanical aeration destroys organic matter and can bring undesirable weed seeds up from the subsoil to the surface where they may then germinate.